You never know who is watching you and how you might impact them. On a beautiful, sunny, weather just right kind of day, Kevin and I [with some good friends and family] decided to visit an Irish pub in Old Town Alexandria, VA. Kevin loves a good Irish stew and the occasional Irish coffee. As our meals arrived we all joined hands and proceeded to thank the Lord for his bountiful goodness. As we were enjoying the last of our meal a young man walked up to our table and said, “I just had to come over and say hello and tell you how much I appreciated seeing you all pray before your meal.”
It was unexpected in a pub with a bar lined with patrons. And he was moved to say a resounding, “AMEN”. He ended up joining us as well as the girl he was with and we had great conversation and laughs. And just like out of a sitcom, my girlfriend, Mely, asked if he was single (he was) and pulled out a photo of her daughter.
We left the pub filled with good food and, more importantly, hearts filled with good feelings from fellowship and laughter. We said our goodbyes and continued our stroll towards an ice-cream shop. My friend Linda was saying, “I just loved that young man, I could take him home and adopt him”, when I turned slightly spying him and his friend trailing behind us. We belly laughed as they heard us and they then decided to join us for dessert and more conversation.
I hope that this encourages you to be yourself and shine your light for Christ wherever you go. The world is filled with darkness and needs more light! Be bold in your walk friends, you never know who might be watching!
Yummy ice cream from Ben & Jerry’s