Raise your hand if you find adding more tasks to your already busy schedule during the holiday season causes a sense of unrest? It is supposed to be a time when we take time out to celebrate and rejoice in the birth of Christ but that can easily get lost with all of the business. If you could see me you would see that my hand would be the first to go up!
But what if we slowed down enough to plan the things that mattered the most and did not allow ourselves to get over taxed? Would you like to have more peace, more joy, and feel more love this time of year? Well good news, it is really possible! When you ask yourself this question, reflect a minute on what comes up for you. What is it that you most want to see happen for the Christmas season?
Once you know your answer to what matter’s the most to you, then write down the top three things you need to focus on to allow that to happen. Perhaps you want to get a special gift for some one. Or host a family dinner. Maybe you want to make or keep a sentimental family tradition. Making memories that are meaningful and letting the hustle and bustle of the many obligations is sure to create a calmer more enjoyable Christmas. The financial pressure can be magnified this time of year. But remember that the best gifts we can give are our time and love. And when you focus more on that, you will find a gift for yourself that we all desire and that is peace!
Wishing you all a blessed and Merry Christmas!
LauraBeth Ryan December 2016